Media Highlights

Voya Financial in the news.
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Pushback has managers holding ESG credentials close to the vest

Laura Kane, SVP, head of ESG Investment Research, shares that the surge in fossil fuel demand has targeted a specific impact on ESG.

Pensions & Investments
Many workers have only their retirement savings for emergencies

Tom Armstrong, VP of Customer Analysis and Insight and head of the Behavioral Finance Institute for Innovation, discusses how individuals are seeking options from their employer rather than raid their retirement savings in times of emergency.

Yahoo! Finance
Voya Establishes Advisory Services Solution for Retirement Plan Participants

The launch of Voya’s new advisory services program was highlighted in 401(k) Specialist detailing the broader access to advice services for participants in Voya-administered retirement plans it provides.

401(k) Specialist
Surveillance: Inflation Fighters with Peters

Barbara Reinhard, head of Asset Allocation, discusses inflation and the Fed’s position to likely pause and cut.

Bloomberg: Surveillance
Latino-Owned Businesses May Be Poised for 401(k) Plan Growth

Amy Vaillancourt, SVP, Workplace Architecture, shares the options provided by Voya’s Spanish-language retirement program, which is geared toward the full range of participant needs.

‘Small steps absolutely matter.’ Lack of emergency savings puts retirement at risk.

Voya’s Tom Armstrong, who leads Voya’s Behavioral Finance Institute for Innovation, discusses the importance of an adequate emergency savings plan and the starting steps to get there.

Post-Pandemic Commercial Real Estate Investments Shift

Greg Michaud, head of Real Estate, discusses the shift to the commercial real estate investment market post-pandemic by insurers.

Best’s Review
401(k) Plans: 10 Things You Should Know

Tom Armstrong, VP of Customer Analysis and Insight and head of the Behavioral Finance Institute for Innovation, shares what many companies are doing to help employees when it comes to the shift to lifetime income.

Apple, Microsoft Dominance on Tech-Stock indexes Grows in Benchmark Overhaul

Leigh Todd, Lead Portfolio Manager, discusses Apple, Microsoft dominance on tech-stock indexes and managing risk.

Developed Market Equities Outlook

Barbara Reinhard, head of Asset Allocation, shares philosophy for equities strategy in developed markets.

Bloomberg TV